Business Opportunities
Channel Partner
eCAP Consultants is a new age loan advisory entity that has established itself in very short span of time with-in the industry through its quality services and clean track record with financers. In keeping with our vision of reaching out to maximum number of customers, eCAP has introduced the concept of Channel Partners (CP). A channel Partner (CP) is a person who operates like a franchisee on an outsourced business model and runs his business on his own. Technically speaking, a Channel Partner is an entity who is either an individual or a firm or a trust or a company or a society as governed respectively as per the applicable law of the state. Apart from strong business acumen, channel partners must possess high ethical standards of business and have impeccable credentials in the market. An ideal Channel Partner is an individual/ company with strong entrepreneurial drive, domain knowledge and possesses high ethical standards of business with impeccable credentials in the market. Through dynamic individuals as channel partners with us, we want to touch every possible opportunity. We want to ensure that through our channel partners, eCAP is omnipresent for customer’s service and support.